Following the easing of restriction, India has entered the third phase of nationwide lockdown. Liquor stores opened in all over the country after some long days of lockdown except the States of Bihar, Gujrat, Mizoram and Nagaland as well as union territory of Lakshadweep. The large crowd rush towards buying the liquor from the shops after the lockdown 3.0 which help the state for the high revenue .Some States imposes duties and taxes on liquor and “Special Corona fee” like Delhi which highlight the importance of liquor as far as Excise duty is the main source for the state and the economy activity.
states Government that imposed total prohibition from the sale of liquor in the
state is to prevent people from queuing up in front of State-run liquor outlets
during the COVID-19 outbreak. But this non availability of liquor leads to
suicide and consumption of homemade liquor which is hazardous foe health.
It also violate their fundamental right
which is conferred in Part 3 of the constitution under Article 19(1) (g).
Article 19 of the Constitution
guarantees to the citizen their fundamental freedoms (a) Freedom of speech and
Expression (b)Freedom of Assembly (c)Freedom to form Associations or unions or
Co-operative Societies (d)Freedom to movement (e) Freedom to reside and to
settle (g) Freedom of profession , occupation , trade or business but it restricted by the constitution itself by
conferring upon the state a power to impose by law reasonable restrictions as
may be necessary in the largest interest of the community.
The term “reasonable restriction” in Article
19 (6) means the limitation imposed on a person in the enjoyment of his right
should not be of excessive nature as it implies the intelligent care and
deliberation. As it strikes a proper balance between freedom guaranteed in
Article 19 and the special control which is mentioned under Article 19 (6).
Article 19(1) (g)
which tells about freedom of profession , occupation , Trade or Business. However,
the right to carry on a profession, trade or business is not unqualified, it
can be restricted and regulated by authority of law and State can impose
reasonable restriction in the interest of the public.
Trading of liquor not a
fundamental right: In Khoday
Distilleries Ltd. v. State of Karnataka,
the Supreme Court held the rights under Article 19 (1) are not absolute but
qualified and the State is authorized under clause (2) to (6) to impose
reasonable restriction on this right. A citizen has no fundamental right to
trade or business in activities which are immoral and criminal in nature i.e.
outside the commerce which is also known as res extra commercium.
restriction on the right to trade in liquor can be imposed not only by law
enacted by the legislation but it can be imposed by any subordinate
legislation. The State has exclusive right regarding portable liquor It can
also be provided by the executive provided it is issued by the governor of the
state. Sometime, people confused with the term “Business” and “trade” as it is more comprehensive than the
word “trade” since it includes manufacture while the word “trade” may not
ordinary include.
In the
case, State of Tamil Nadu Rep. By Its Secretary Home, Prohibition &
Excise Dept. & Ors v K.Balu The Supreme Court of India has ordered that
there would be a ban on the sale of liquor within a distance of 500 meters from
any national or state highways. The apex court modified its order stating an
exemption within 220 meters of any highway for small towns or municipalities
where the population of people will be less than 20,000. In the order, the
Honorable Court has clearly stated that any hotel, bar or pubs serving alcohol
will be included in the ban.
Exceptions of prohibition on sale
of liquor
1. The State has power to prohibit the manufacture, sale, possession , distribution and consumption both because it is dangerous article of consumption and also because the directive principle contained in Article 47, except when it used for medicine purposes. State can create monopoly in such business either by itself or by any agency. As creation of monopoly rights in a few persons in not unreasonable. Thus in one of the case Cooverji v. Excise Commissioner it is mainly pointed out this exception that law which created monopoly to sell liquor in favour of a few persons was held valid. Although, in case State of Bombay v. F. N Balsara, Supreme Court held that absolute prohibition of manufacture or sale of liquor is permissible and the only exception can be for medical preparation medicines.
2. Once sale of liquor is permitted by a State Government, every citizen has a fundamental right to apply for permission to trade in liquor. However, “It shall be open for the concerned State Government to consider non-direct sale including on-line sale/home delivery of liquor to facilitate social distancing”, the Supreme Court ordered in a petition filed by Guruswamy Nataraj to facilitate social distancing .
Conclusion: It
is concluded that Liquor is
not an ordinary commodity, While it carries connotations of pleasure and
sociability in the minds of many, harmful consequences of its use. National
monitoring systems need to be developed to keep track of alcohol consumption and its consequences, and to
raise awareness amongst the public and policy-makers. It is up to both governments and concerned
citizens to curb the situation by proper implementation of laws that minimize
the harm caused by liquor. Thus the fundamental rights which is given under
Article19 (1) (g) are provided to carry the business which is for benefit of
public and which are hazardous for health.
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